Short Stories of H. H. Munro (Saki)

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Beasts and Super-Beasts The She-Wolf, Laura, The Boar-Pig, The Brogue, The Hen, The Open Window, The Treasure-Ship, The Cobweb, The Lull, The Unkindest Blow, The Romancers, The Schartz-Metterklume Method, The Seventh Pullet, The Blind Spot, Dusk, A Touch Of Realism, Cousin Teresa, The Yarkand Manner, The Byzantine Omelette, The Feast Of Nemesis, The Dreamer, The Quince Tree, The Forbidden Buzzards, The Stake, Clovis On Parental Responsibilities, A Holiday Task, The Stalled Ox, The Story-Teller, A Defensive Diamond, The Elk, "Down Pens", The Name-Day, The Lumber Room, Fur, The Philanthropist And The Happy Cat, On Approval
His dabblings in the unseen might not have carried him beyond the customary platitudes of the drawing-room
visionary if accident had not reinforced his stock-in-trade of mystical lore.
Reginald In Russia The Reticence Of Lady Anne, The Lost Sanjak, The Sex That Doesn't Shop, The Blood-Feud Of Toad-Water, A Young Turkish Catastrophe, Judkin Of The Parcels, Gabriel-Ernest, The Saint And The Goblin, The Soul Of Laploshka, The Bag, The Strategist, Cross Currents, The Baker's Dozen, The Mouse
He classified the Princess with that distinct type of woman that
looks as if it habitually went out to feed hens in the rain.
Her name was Olga; she kept what she hoped and believed to be a fox-
terrier, and professed what she thought were Socialist opinions. It
is not necessary to be called Olga if you are a Russian Princess; in
fact, Reginald knew quite a number who were called Vera; but the
fox-terrier and the Socialism are essential.
The Unbearable Bassington
In her younger days Francesca had been known as the beautiful Miss Greech; at forty, although much of the original beauty remained,
she was just dear Francesca Bassington. No one would have dreamed
of calling her sweet, but a good many people who scarcely knew her
were punctilious about putting in the "dear."
Heroes Of The Telegraph The Origin Of The Telegraph, Charles Wheatstone, Samuel Morse, Sir William Thomson, Sir William Siemens, Fleeming Jenkin, Johann Philipp Reis, Graham Bell, Thomas Alva Edison, David Edwin Hughes, Charles Ferdinand Gauss, William Edward Weber,
Sir William Fothergill Cooke, Alexander Bain, Dr. Werner Siemens, Latimer Clark, Count Du Moncel, Elisha Gray
Similarly the telegraph is not to be regarded as the work of any one mind, but of many, and during a long course of years. Because at length the final seedling is obtained, are we to overlook the antecedent
varieties from which it was produced, and without which it could not
have existed? Because one inventor at last succeeds in putting the
telegraph in operation, are we to neglect his predecessors, whose
attempts and failures were the steps by which he mounted to success?
All who have extended our knowledge of electricity, or devised a
telegraph, and familiarised the public mind with the advantages of it
The Chronicles Of Clovis Esme, The Match-Maker, Tobermory, Mrs. Packletide's Tiger, The Stampeding of Lady Bastable, The Background, Hermann the Irascible, The Unrest-Cure, The Jesting of Arlington Stringham, Sredni Vashtar, Adrian, The Chaplet, The Quest
Wratislav, The Easter Egg, Filboid Studge, The Music on the Hill, The Story of St. Vespaluus, The Way to the Dairy, The Peace Offering, The Peace of Mowsle Barton, The Talking-out of Tarrington, The Hounds of Fate, The Recessional, A Matter of Sentiment, The Secret Sin of Septimus Brope, "Ministers of Grace", The Remoulding of Groby Lington, Robert Stockton
"There was still sufficient daylight for us to distinguish wayside objects, and our listless spirits gave an upward perk as we came upon a small half-naked gipsy brat picking blackberries from a low-growing bush. The sudden apparition of two horsewomen and a hyæna set it off crying, and in any case we should scarcely have gleaned any useful geographical information from that source; but there was a probability that we might strike a gipsy encampment somewhere along our route.
The Toys of Peace Louise, Tea, The Disappearance of Crispina Umberleigh, The Wolves of Cernogratz, Louis, The Guests, The Penance, The Phantom Luncheon, A Bread and Butter, Miss, Bertie's Christmas Eve, Forewarned, The Interlopers, Quail Seed, Canossa, The Threat, Excepting Mrs. Pentherby, Mark, The Hedgehog, The Mappined Life, Fate, The Bull, Morlvera, Shock, Tactics, The Seven Cream Jugs, The Occasional Garden, The Sheep, The Oversight, Hyacinth, The Image of the Lost Soul, The Purple of the Balkan Kings, The Cupboard of the Yesterdays, For the Duration of the War
"We must try," interrupted his sister; "you are coming down to us at
Easter, and you always bring the boys some toys, so that will be an
excellent opportunity for you to inaugurate the new experiment.
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