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  • Confronting Life
    "I wish for freedom -- to live in harmony with my desires, and do not want to be unto my neighbor, from sense of duty, either a brother or a servant. I would be that which I should freely choose -- a slave or brother.
  • Reminiscences Of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
    These fragmentary notes were written by me during the period when I lived in Oleise and Leo Nikolaevich at Gaspra in the Crimea. They cover the period of Tolstoy's serious illness and of his subsequent recovery.
  • Philip Vasilyevich's Story
    Beyond the river, in the yellow velvet of withered grass, a small lake was glimmering; the dull autumn sky reflected itself in it mournfully; the pale disk of the moon was wasting away in the sky. The sun had long set behind the dark wall of the distant forest and the purple strip of the setting sun, amidst the thick, dark-blue clouds, seemed like a stream of fire in the mountain straits.
  • Foma Gordyeef
    Built like a giant, handsome and not at all stupid, he was one of those people whom luck always follows everywhere--not because they are gifted and industrious, but rather because, having an enormous stock of energy at their command, they cannot stop to think over the choice of means when on their way toward their aims, and, excepting their own will
  • Creatures That Once Were Men
    In front of you is the main street, with two rows of miserable-looking huts with shuttered windows and old walls pressing on each other and leaning forward. The roofs of these time-worn habitations are full of holes, and have been patched here and there with laths; from underneath them project mildewed beams
  • Through Russia
    To the left, the tops of the mountains hung fringed with dense, fleecy clouds of the kind which presages rain; and these clouds were sending their shadows gliding over slopes green and overgrown with boxwood and that peculiar species of hollow beech-stump which once came near to effecting the downfall of Pompey's host, through depriving his iron-built legions of the use of their legs as they revelled in the intoxicating sweetness of the " mead " or honey which wild bees make from the blossoms of the laurel and the azalea
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Pages Updated On: 1-August- MMIII
Copyright © MMI -- MMIII
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