The Writings of Islam

See also Koran page
This is a collection of writings of and about Islam.
We have the writings of the Imams beginning with Ali (Nahjul Balagha, the Peak of Eloquence).
Also some of the Hadith
(the sayings of the prophet as reliably reported). The most reliable are the first two Hadith.
1. Sahih Bukhari
2. Sahih Muslim, The Book of Faith
Ocean is a Vast resource Try it for more information and books about the Koran and Islam.
Baha'i writings.
"The greatest bounties of God in this phenomenal world are His
Manifestations. This is the greatest postulate. These Manifestations are
the Suns of Reality. For it is through the Manifestation that the reality
becomes known and established for man. History proves to us that apart from
the influence of the Manifestations, man sinks back into his animal
condition, using even his intellectual power to subserve an animal purpose.
Therefore there is no cessation whatsoever in the future for the appearance
of the Manifestation of God, because God is infinite and His purpose cannot
be limited in any way. If we ever dare to limit and circumscribe God's
purpose within any bounds, then of necessity we have dared to set
limitations to the omnipotence of God. The created has dared to define his
Creator! "
-- Abdu'l-Baha -- Foundations of World Unity
Pages Updated On: 22-August- MMIII
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