The Koran

See also Writings of Islam page
The Koran is a much misunderstood book. I wish in the next few months to convince you that it is at least as valid as the New Testament. I will be providing different versions of English translations and I will give you my preferences. I will also provide a course on basic themes of the Koran. I am always glad to get feedback from you.
"Unlike the Bible which was written by a great number of people, the
Qur'an was the work of one man. It stands unchallenged as the most
influential Book of one individual person. This is even more remarkable
from a man who could neither read nor write. It is the first work of prose
literature of Arabia and ranks uncontested as the best.
" Reading the Qur'an is done much more than reading from any other book
including the Bible since it is used in public worship, in schools, in
individual worship, private study and reading. Because of this fact alone
it is a sufficient claim on our attention. It is the most widely-read Book
in existence.
"The Qur'an and its Revealer are the foundation of Islam. It
is the sacred Book of hundreds of millions of people who regard it as the
Word of God spoken through the mouth of His Prophet. It affords many
insights into the spiritual development of a most backward people and the
creation of religious personalities (i.e. saints, scholars, poets, etc.)."
The Disconnected Letters of the Qur’án
and the Significance of the Number Nineteen
by Robert T. Cameron
Please be patient with the spelling mistakes. I am proofreading all the translations.
Ocean is a Vast resource Try it for more information and books about the Koran and Islam.
Pages Updated On: 1-August- MMIII
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