Novels of Wilkie Collins

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The Two Destinies
I had the honor of taking Mrs. Germaine to the dining-room. Her sense of the implied insult offered to her by the wives of her
husband's friends only showed itself in a trembling, a very slight trembling, of the hand that rested on my arm.
The Evil Genius
Their foreman was a person doubly distinguished among his colleagues. He had the clearest head, and the readiest tongue.
For once the right man was in the right place.
The Guilty River
The summer evening was hot and still; the time was between dusk and dark. After ten years of absence in foreign parts, I perceived changes in the outskirts of the wood, which warned me not to enter it too confidently when I might find a difficulty in seeing my way.
A Rogue's Life
If my father had consulted his means, I should have been sent to
a cheap commercial academy; but he had to consult his
relationship to Lady Malkinshaw; so I was sent to one of the most
fashionable and famous of the great public schools.
The Queen of Hearts
We are three brothers; and we live in a barbarous, dismal old
house called The Glen Tower. Our place of abode stands in a
hilly, lonesome district of South Wales. No such thing as a line
of railway runs anywhere near us. No gentleman's seat is within
an easy drive of us.
No Name
No observant eyes could have surveyed Miss Garth without seeing
at once that she was a north-countrywoman. Her hard featured
face; her masculine readiness and decision of movement; her
obstinate honesty of look and manner, all proclaimed her border
birth and border training.
The New Magdalen
Late in the evening a skirmishing party of the French and a
skirmishing party of the Germans had met, by accident, near the
little village of Lagrange, close to the German frontier. In the
struggle that followed, the French had (for once) got the better
of the enemy.
My Lady's Money
His father had failed at a time of commercial panic as a country banker, had paid a good dividend, and had died
in exile abroad a broken-hearted man. Robert had tried to hold
his place in the world, but adverse fortune kept him down.
Miss or Mrs.?
He turned, and scampered to the bows of the vessel. In one
instant he was out of his night-gown, in another he was on the
bulwark, in a third he was gamboling luxuriously in sixty fathoms
of salt-water.
Man and Wife
Both were the children of poor parents, both had been
pupil-teachers at the school; and both were destined to earn
their own bread. Personally speaking, and socially speaking,
these were the only points of resemblance between them.
The Law and the Lady
Even then, in the days of my ignorance and my innocence, that
curious outbreak of my aunt's superstition produced a certain
uneasy sensation in my mind. It was a consolation to me to feel
the reassuring pressure of my husband's hand. It was an
indescribable relief to hear my uncle's hearty voice wishing me a
happy life at parting.
Little novels
The new point of view at once revealed the stranger, leaning
against the trunk of a tree. She was dressed in the deep mourning
of a widow. The pallor of her face, the glassy stare in her eyes,
more than accounted for the child's terror--it excused the
alarming conclusion at which she had arrived.
The Legacy of Cain
I propose to pass over in silence the name of the town in which
is situated the prison once confided to my care. I shall observe
a similar discretion in alluding to individuals--some dead, some
living, at the present time.
Jezebel's Daughter
The day of my return happened to be the day after the funeral. It was also the occasion chosen for the reading of the will. Mr. Wagner, I should add, had been a naturalized British citizen, and his will was drawn by an English lawyer.
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